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A3 q2

Hi I still get confused about A3 Q2.

If I follow A^=P^-1AP^-T, I would get some relationships in P. But then in Q2b, using the relationships I got from part a, I would only get P^-alpha-conjugate, where alpha is an constant not equal to 1.
But if I follow the textbook, let P = C^T C (use ICC) and change A^=C^-1AC^-T, x^ = Cx, I would find relationships in C and prove Q2b’s P^-1-conjugate successfully.

So, should there be a typo in the question? Or simply I did this question in a wrong way.

You may be right that using P^-1 and P^-T leads to a different
conjugacy property.
So I changed the transformed problem using C (with P = CC^T),
and re-posted the assignment.
Thanks for noting and let me know of anything else.

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